Web 1.0.. Check! Web 2.0… Check! Web 3.0…. ???

First, I would like to thank Erin, Naomi, Angus, Kyle and Heidi for sharing this week about Web 1.0-3.0. Prior to this week’s class, I did not have a lot of information or knowledge about the various Web’s. From their presentation I left understanding Web 1.0 are internet browsers, email, chat rooms etc.  Some things that are made possible for teacher’s through web 1.0 are bulletin boards, practical information, keeping up-to-date with current research.  Students can also engage in gaming, online books, information processing and the ability to share information. The use of web 1.0 changed teaching with a shift towards being less teacher directed and more focused on the student.  It has also brought on new challenges, mainly for teachers as they became resistant to the use of technology due to inadequate training etc.  Although there are certainly a few downfalls, web 1.0 has allowed us to connect with the outside world.

From what I understand from the information shared in the presentation Web 2.0 is more of a social web which includes things such as blogs, wiki’s podcasts, twitter, YouTube, blogs etc. Through the use of web 2.0 social networking occurs and online communities are formed.  With the use of web 2.0 the teacher becomes more of a facilitator of learning rather than the distributor of knowledge.  Web 2.0 encourages creativity and collaboration among students. The presentation compared web 1.0 and 2.0 which helped me to understand the differences.  It was suggested that web 1.0 was a place to “look stuff up” and web 2.0 was a place where we can create, collaborate and connect.

Just when I thought I was in the clear by understanding web 1.0, web 2.0, they threw in web. This is when things got a little messy for me. Based on Benita’s post this week she had similar feelings as I did when it comes to web 3.0.  She commented about finally getting a handle on 2.0 and now there’s a 3.0!? (I don’t think either one us is quite ready for the 3.0 just yet).  She also suggested that in order for web 3.0 to be accepted by educators and as society we will have to fully adopt web 2.0.  I agree with Benita in the sense that web 3.0 is coming whether we are ready for it or not; we may as well prepare ourselves, make necessary changes to our teaching and learning in order to accommodate it.  Tyson also left me feeling reassured after the presentation, I was feeling lost, perhaps even clueless as to what web 3.0 was.  Tyson also admitted he was unable to grasp the concept fully and was worried about missing the big picture.  After a handy-dandy google search Tyson discovered that web 3.0 is still being pieced together, developed and is still unknown.  Thanks to Tyson’s research and for his post this week I was more comfortable and confident knowing that I was not the only one who was left with questions and uncertainties about the whole web 3.0.

Gerstein’s article suggests that with the shift of web 1.0-3.0 happening there should also be a shift happening in our teaching. Gerstein suggests that as educators we should be following what is happening via the internet in regards to students function, learning, play, work, health, interactions etc.  However, this shift is not quite happening yet.  She suggests many educators are still stuck on Web 1.0 and have yet to move to 2.0 and definitely most have yet to reach 3.0.  This article provided great information that helped me to lay out the differences of web’s and allowed me to make connections to my own teaching and learning.  The article suggests web 1.0 there is one way of providing knowledge and that is from teacher to student.  This information is often provided through resources, text books etc. Although they are able to work on activities in relation to their learning they are often in isolated groups where information is regurgitated.  Web 2.0 includes greater opportunity for interaction between the teacher and student, students to one another, and the student to the information being learned.  With the use of technology this allows us to enhance, make more meaningful and interactive opportunities for our students within their learning.  Web 3.0 allows us to individualize to meet the needs of each individual, allows them to learn about relevant information in an interactive, personalized, free manner.

When it comes down to the shift from web to web and education I think it will be difficult for most of us. I do think many teachers will be resistant to so many changes. However, eventually it will not be a choice and they will have to make adaptations and changes to their own teaching in learning to accommodate it.  As an individual who has never been confident or up-to-date with technology, I think these changes will be harder for me to adapt to versus someone who is already engaged, confident and moving towards the use of 3.0 already.  There will definitely need to be some professional development and training required so teachers can successfully implement the use of web 3.0 within their own teaching and learning. Without training and further guidance many teachers will experience uneasiness and frustration.  I do think the same will go for students, as educators once we have received information, training etc. it is our job to ensure that our students are able to use web 1.0-3.0 successfully in their own teaching and learning.  I do fear that if we rely solely on technology in our teaching and learning there will be many students who are disadvantaged due to lack of access at home.  Is there a way to ensure all of our teachers and students are on a fair playing field?  If we are moving towards web 3.0, how can we ensure that everyone is comfortable and confident before being submerged into using it?  There are so many uncertainties and questions that are left unanswered, and until there are answers and successful transition into web 3.0, there will always be individuals who will resist using it.

5 thoughts on “Web 1.0.. Check! Web 2.0… Check! Web 3.0…. ???”

  1. Great post! I appreciate how you not only noted that without training and further guidance, teachers can get frustrated, but also students. I personally neglected this in my blog this week, focusing primarily on the training for teachers leading to the understanding of students. But that is not only the case! We sometimes assume that because they are the ‘young students’, they are going to already know so much about technology. Although this may be the case, it isn’t always, and we have to be aware that they can get frustrated just like we can with the changes in Internet and Education. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Hey Jayme,
    I agree that will need major additional training to avoid uneasiness and frustration with technology integration. I hope that the training would be ongoing and not a one day PD session. If school divisions (us as taxpayers) are putting money towards something, it should be training, not just purchasing tech. devices.


  3. I am reassured to see that I am not the only who had a hard time wrapping my head around the whole notion of Web 3.0! It is such an abstract concept to try and imagine at this point in time. I suppose Web 3.0 is about as abstract for us as people 20 years ago would have thought about the connections we have now.
    I will also say that I fully agree that we aren’t at the stage of fully embracing Education 3.0, and that can’t happen until we have embraced Education 2.0.


  4. Good points Jaymee. I think It’s important to understand that education is generally 10 to 15 years behind in most cases. The move will be quite seamless I would think. It’s not like we can point to a year and say that’s when 1.0 ended. As long as we continue to challenge ourselves and our students, we will be able to learn and grow together.


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